11 April 2013

So I Missed Sibling Day Yesterday...

...but I still wanted to celebrate and thank God for my brother, so I'm posting this even though I'm a day late.

Although I tried looking through my Facebook for a photo of the two of us together, I couldn't find one, because he avoids appearing in pictures unless forced into a full-family snapshot. Even without a picture of us, though, I can call to mind some of the times we've spent together: playing with action figures, me watching him shoot things in early Rainbow Six computer games, listening to him talk in his sleep when we shared bunk beds, having board game nights in our basement, crying in his room when each of my relationships went sour, doing Insanity workouts......

I know that there were times I wasn't there when I should have been, and times I pestered him when he would have rather been left alone. And sometimes he's aloof and sometimes he's kind of mean and sometimes it seems like I'm the younger one and he's the older child--but no matter what, we'll always be siblings and I'll always love him with all my heart.


Joann Doka said...

Awwww......brought tears to my eyes Sweetpea; I know for sure he loves you with all his heart .... guess he thinks it's a kind of weakness if he shows it, but it sure is there!!!!!

the walking man said...

Being 4th of 5 and all of us well beyond 55, I think we forget this day every year and have for about the past 55+ years.